Are You Providing Enough Value in Advance

Are You Providing Enough Value in Advance

If you have to sell really hard it's Because your branding is wrong it means You haven't provided enough value in Advance despite being able to teach Somebody who has no brand how to make Enough money to pay their…

Change Your 5-10 Meals to Change How You Look

Change Your 5-10 Meals to Change How You Look

Most humans eat the same five to ten Meals ninety percent of the time and so If you're trying to lose weight gain Weight change the way you look all you Have to do is change those five to ten…

Hard Goals Are Just Milestones That You Hit

Hard Goals Are Just Milestones That You Hit

Is there like a number that will satisfy You I'm satisfied playing the game it's Like the person who loves walking versus The person who loves the destination I'm Walking so I'm good because of that I'll Probably keep walking…

Does Acquisition Cash Flow Companies

Does Acquisition Cash Flow Companies

This we have some companies that we have Put cash in we have companies that we Have in pokasha and the big thing is Like what problem are we solving and so I would say the vast majority of the…

The Biggest Mistake Personal Brands Make…

The Biggest Mistake Personal Brands Make...

And so what they think they're doing is They're like well that's what everyone Else is doing so I need to build my Personal brand you're not building Anyone's brand you're just Reinforcing an identity that everyone Already knows about…

Why Balance Can Be Silly Sometimes

Why Balance Can Be Silly Sometimes

In some ways balance is silly it's Saying it a different way it's like hey Stop doing the thing you like the most And do something you like less that's Balance like why why don't I just do More the…

Entrepreneurs Need to Be Like a YETI Mug

Entrepreneurs Need to Be Like a YETI Mug

The most successful entrepreneurs that I've encountered are a lot like Yeti Mugs and hear me out so you know there's Mugs that in the middle they can stay Hot or they can stay cold independent of The external surroundings…

Start Looking at Positive and Negative Like This

Start Looking at Positive and Negative Like This

You can't be like I only don't feel Negative things it's the fundamental Attribution error which is something Good happens it's because of me if Something bad happens it's because of my Surroundings it's like well if you flip It…

One of My Fundamental Laws of Business

One of My Fundamental Laws of Business

Fortune is made in better not new I made A bet with the founder of the biggest Company in our portfolio before we Decided to do a deal with him they Wanted to go in this new Direction with A…